
Feed the Future Egypt Food Security and Agribusiness Support


CNFA implements the Feed the Future Egypt, Food Security and Agribusiness Support (FAS) programme, scheduled to end in 2020. The project increases incomes and improves food security for at least 14,000 Upper Egyptian smallholder farmers across seven focal governorates – including Beni-Suef, Menia, Assiut, Sohag, Qena, Luxor, and Aswan.

Over the course of five years, the project will demonstrate that it is economically and socially feasible to achieve sustained growth in the region through an agricultural value chain approach. This approach will improve horticulture productivity, access to markets, value-adding activities, and commercial linkages with input and service suppliers. Inclusive growth in the agricultural sector will increase incomes to smallholder farmers, leading to improved health and educational opportunities for women and youth as well as higher household purchasing power.

The market-driven approach of the project is supported by four interrelated components: 1) improved on-farm production, 2) more efficient post-harvest processes, 3) improved marketing of agriculture crops and products, and 4) improved nutritional status, especially for women and children.  In addition to the major components, there are also a number of supporting cross cutting themes including systems strengthening for input suppliers; agriculture processors and support services; a focus on end markets and demand; an understanding of the role of value chain governance; a market systems perspective; recognition of the importance of inter-firm relationships and stakeholder participation; policy and enabling environment; gender inclusivity; and leveraging proven ICT capabilities to bring interventions to scale.

Expected Impact

  • $5.75 million in matching grants disbursed leveraging at least $2.6 million in private matching investment
  • A 12% annualized increase in incomes in net present value for over 14,000 horticulture-based smallholder farmers
  • Up to 50% of increased yields of selected horticulture crops
  • The introduction of 350 new contracts between horticulture smallholder farmers and market channels
  • More than $1.5 million of new investment in women-owned agribusinesses and more than 50 Upper Egyptian agribusinesses adopting policies that promote inclusion of married women in the workplace
  • Upwards of 36,000 farm families benefiting from nutrition-sensitive messaging

Expected Impact

$5.75 million

in matching grants disbursed


increased yields of selected horticulture crops


farm families benefiting from nutrition-sensitive messaging


CNFA is proud to share the privilege of implementing our work with these local and international organizations.